Balance between tradition and innovation

In my interactions with Swiss SME leaders or marketing managers of large companies, I often sense a significant apprehension towards gamification and gaming in general. There's a palpable fear of not being taken seriously by employees or clients.

I understand this reluctance, this fear of the unknown that sometimes paralyzes decision-makers. Yet, at the same time, I feel from them an eagerness, a curiosity that clashes with incomprehension. It's this observation that has driven me to write this article, hoping to demonstrate that gaming can be entirely serious, even a powerful tool for achieving professional objectives. Furthermore, I aim to shed light on how gamification allows for a gradual approach, a smooth transition towards innovation, without offending any sensibilities, in order to advance calmly and solidly in this human transformation, more so than technological.

A variable-geometry strategy

Gamification allows for a variable integration depending on the domain or the level of innovation of the company. This approach offers risk mitigation by enabling a gradual integration and adopting a "test and learn" mentality where continuous improvement is encouraged. By selecting specific application fields and developing them gradually, business leaders can be convinced without exposing themselves too much, thus addressing their fears of fully committing to a new strategy without a guarantee of immediate success.

Internally or externally?

Gamification can be applied to situations that occur both internally to create a dynamic and motivating work environment, and externally to present a modern and innovative image of the company, attracting and retaining clients, or even developing new market segments. By carefully choosing the first application field, companies can be convinced of the benefits of gamification without drastically impacting their positioning or image.

How to use gamification in a company with traditional values?

Companies often find themselves facing a dilemma: how to develop performance while remaining true to their history, identity, and fundamental values? It is in this context that gamification emerges as a solution to reconcile tradition and modernity harmoniously. By allowing management to embody innovation within their business, gamification offers a strategic approach to energize corporate culture while respecting its traditional values.

Here are some examples of the benefits of gamification:

Increased productivity: Gamification motivates employees to achieve goals and push their limits, resulting in increased productivity and optimized performance.

Enhanced engagement: By recognizing and rewarding achievements, gamification fosters a sense of belonging to the company and strengthens employee engagement.

Encouraged innovation: By introducing playful elements into processes, gamification encourages creativity and innovation, essential for remaining competitive in the market.

Respect for values: Gamification can be designed to reflect the traditional values of the Swiss company, thus creating a smooth transition between tradition and innovation.

Ultimately, gamification offers a unique opportunity to reconcile tradition and modernity, to enhance performance while preserving the essence of the company. By adopting a selective and progressive approach, companies can leverage the benefits of gamification while alleviating fears related to change.

So, are you ready to integrate gamification to energize your corporate culture while remaining true to your values? With the right strategy and a clear vision, the possibilities are endless.

🖊️ Shared with 💛 by Azizah.